Perfect drinking water for good health
Perfect drinking water for good health
Aqualife’s reverse osmosis system offers a range of built-in re-mineralisation filters to provide the highest quality water needed
Food Services
+ Dental
Reverse osmosis and deioniser filter systems produce the purity of water needed for medical, veterinarian and dental applications
Office +
The quality of drinking water across the globe varies according to each region, infrastructure and the geological nature of the terrain.
Aqualife delivers perfect drinking water every time
The quality of drinking water across the globe varies according to each region, infrastructure and the geological nature of the terrain. Some areas have pure water, others have water rich in calcium or iron, and in some places, the supply is contaminated with pollutants.
Climate change and a growing population mean that, in many parts of the world, water must be treated to obtain optimum drinking quality. This makes adopting a responsible approach to this increasingly precious resource a top priority. Aqualife is a proud agent of Billi drinking water systems and Aqua Cooler water dispensers.
“Brilliant! It is a great convenience to the practice having this quality of water on tap all the time.”
Dental Group, Morwell VIC
Dedicated to water purification
Aqualife is dedicated to the purification of this precious resource. Our company has developed pioneering technologies and processes for treating well or spring water, supplying drinking water in cities and communities and for construction technology. Our mission is to keep innovating to deliver on our promise to provide perfect water, every time.