Aqualife delivers perfect water everytime.
Proudly Australian offering innovative and proven water treatment products.
Aqualife delivers perfect water everytime.
Proudly Australian offering innovative and proven water treatment products.
Aqualife’s reverse osmosis system offers a range of built-in re-mineralisation filters to provide the highest quality water needed
Food Services
+ Dental
Reverse osmosis and deioniser filter systems produce the purity of water needed for medical, veterinarian and dental applications
Office +
The quality of drinking water across the globe varies according to each region, infrastructure and the geological nature of the terrain.
Aqualife has formed an exclusive sales, service and marketing agreement with leading UK ultraviolet manufacturer Cool-Tech,
About UVC Sanitising Solutions
The arrangement is to exclusively supply the Cool-Tech range of certified and market leading products to Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Island region with world class affordable equipment for all. The need for suitable infection control targeting bacteria’s and viruses such as COVID-19 and SARS has necessitated the need to urgently deliver these products for the safety of the community at large.
These products are adaptable for use in Schools, Hospitals, Aged care, Doctors and Dentist consulting rooms, general office environments and workplaces to name just a few, but most importantly these products are very affordable so everybody can access them and feel safe.
Ultraviolet technology has been in existence for many years and has proven results in the control of infections and of deadly viruses and bacteria. It is only now being applied in the wider community to combat the lethal and destructive effects of infections such as COVID-19.
This equipment can be installed by any qualified electrician where required.
All product enquiries can be made by contacting Aqualife products. Distributor enquiries are welcome.
Cool-Tech has developed a UVC measurement tool to calculate the kill rate from different power rated lamps for the length of exposure time required or available.
Based on Escherichia coli 8099 the calculator will produce a scatter-graph. By moving the curser over the specified room size area, you can see the killing rate % for the different power lamp options available over the exposure time inserted into the calculation.
Purification Light
UVC Light
You could spend half your life swabbing, mopping, cleaning and wiping. You could spend a fortune on supplies of disinfectants and anti-viral products. Although they will always be important, you can significantly reduce your cleaning times by investing in the cleanest, most convenient solution to disinfection. Meet our top quality, highly effective UVC lights.